United Gujaratis of Australia

To promote a harmonious relationship amongst Australian Gujaratis, migrants and the society in general by cultivating mutual respect through increased social interaction, sports, recreation and other voluntary activities of significant community benefit. To act as a channel of communication between the Australian Gujarati community and the Commonwealth of Australia for community matters.

Gujarati community

Governments and the Indian Government, on welfare, social and economic matters related to Gujarati community. To celebrate the cultural activities of Gujarati community with their co-operation. To establish facilities and to do all such other lawful activities as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the purposes of the United Gujaratis of Australia Inc.

Gujarati languages and culture within the Australian

To create a benevolent fund for the benefit of the members of the Gujarati Community and appoint trustees to manage the fund.

Our Cultural Heritage

Our aim is to unite all Gujaratis in Australia and celebrate our cultural heritage together. Gujaratis are well known for having leadership traits, business knowledge and a big heart. UGA intends to organize seminars and webinars on various subjects like immigration laws and changes in migration laws in Australia, raise funds in the unfortunate events, community and student helpline.

Our Vision

To transform, support and embrace the Gujarati migrants’ lives to settle in Australia and make a useful contribution to their adopted country.

Our Mission

Be United, Show Integrity, Be Accountable.