Gujarati Gaurav Awards 2019

United Gujaratis of Australia facilitate and recognised Gujarati community of Sydney by awarding the individuals, community leaders, Gujarati community achievers, Business owners and professionals who have been helping and serving the community of Australia.
This was first time attempt to recognise them and entire community welcome this action from UGA.
This will be our annual event and in future it will be done as a Gala Night and with public voting.

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2021 Photos GGA

United Gujaratis of Australia continues tradition of recognizing and awarding community by means of Gujarat Gaurav Awards - UGA annual event. Due to Pandemic and government restrictions this year's event was only attended by invitees.
This was celebrated with cultural dance performances by kids and adults, and also singing.
UGA will continue this annual event in future and keep motivating, recognising and awarding Gujarati community achievers.

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Kite Festival 2020

United Gujaratis of Australia celebrated Gujarati's signature event of MAKAR SANKRANTI (Kite festival) and more than 3000 Australians from different ethnicity attended the event.
Indian Kites and Threads were specially imported from Gujarat considering all the safety measures thinking wider community in mind.
This will be an ongoing annual event for UGA, this year it was supported by Multi Culture NSW and other sponsors. There were varieties of food stalls, fun activities for kids and weather supporting with clear sky and moderate wind, entire community enjoyed this fun filled event.

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